Our Research

Dengue Virus is only one of the many tropical RNA viruses that respond well to our DDX3 RNA Helicase inhibitors. We are also making great progress with Japanese Encephalitis Virus, Zika Virus, West Nile Virus and even Ebola Virus, while investigating more targets

DDX3 Helicase inhibitors
Our research group is the only one in the world that developed a large portfolio of small molecule DDX3 Helicase inhibitors, for use both as antivirals and anti tumor agents. As such, many highly specialised research groups around the world are interested in testing our compounds, in order to gain more insight in the complex cellular RNA helicase biochemistry, related to the pathogens they are working on.
We, from our side, also learn many new things about our field of research, but even in cases in which no direct benefit is to be expected for our company, we still aim to satisfy all requests that reach us from interested academic groups.

Of special interest are the collaborations with the University of Siena/Italy, in particular with the Department of Clinical Microbiology of Prof. Dr. Maurizio Zazzi and the Department of Biotechnology, Chemistry and Pharmacy of Prof. Dr. M. Botta who was one of the principal inventors of the original DDX3 RNA Helicase Inhibitor IP.
We express our gratitude towards each of the highly qualified and respected groups that tested or continue to investigate our compounds.